Join me in navigating mental health, job stress, fitness, and more


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How I Realized I am wasting my life? 5 signs you are doing it too
I have wasted my life. Most of my Prime Years. When I say I have wasted my life people often assume...
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How to plan a daily routine that works for you
We’ve all been there, promising ourselves we’ll wake up at 5 a.m., meditate for an hour, knock out 100...
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Living Alone and Being Happy
Living Alone for the First Time ? 5 tips that will help you
At some point in life, we all find ourselves wanting to move out and live alone, it can either be because...
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Coworker comforting stressed and discouraged woman in office
Why I quit my job without another?
I quit my job. Funny, how all you have to do is send out an email and sign a few papers and you are...
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Explore The World

Welcome to my blog, where words become a sanctuary for the soul. Join me as we explore the healing power of poetry, navigate the complexities of mental health, and find solace in the midst of 9-5 stress. Together, let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery and emotional well-being